Thursday, 12 January 2012

We love our Natural World! (written by Year 1)

At the beginning of the Christmas holidays, there was a street lamp parade in Bedminster. Children from the Luckwell paraded lamps that they had made during a workshop. Some children from Year 1 joined in the parade

It was beautiful. It was fun. We held our lanterns that we'd made. It was very bright. Some people had some lanterns to hold. The band was really good and very funny.

We have been thinking about the Natural World:

We held lots of natural things feeling... touching... smoothing them... THINKING!

Here is a picture of us having a 'debate'.

A debate is a big group or a smaller group having a long chat about what they want to do and what the other people want to do. We can find out what other people are thinking and if everybody is happy.

In PE we were doing some fantastic ball control... kicking.... dribbling... controlling the ball. We had to really concentrate.