Thursday, 17 November 2011

There's been another birthday in Year 1! We are growing up so quickly!

We have had lots of fun in our classroom Toy Shop, writing shopping lists and making change to pay for the toys.

In Number work, we have been learning how to measure capacity, using sand and water and estimating the capacity of objects.

It has been Anti-bullying week and we have been talking about what bullying is and making posters to help people to understand about bullying.

We had a special assembly with Professor Positive and Nasty Nik - "Sticks and Stones may break our bones, but names can hurt us too..."

Next week, we will be making our Toy Shop into a Toy Museum, like the one that we visited at Blaise. We are going to invite Mr Jones and Mrs Shore and our grown-ups to come and visit our Toy Museum.