Friday, 18 March 2011

Monster Fun!!!! (written by Year One)

It has been a fun week in Year One and we have been happy that Spring is on it's way at last!

On Red Nose Day Miss Welton took a picture of the Year One crazy, fantastic monsters.

Here we are being very scarey!

Here is a picture of us finding caterpillars for our Science experiment because it was Science week - Caterpillar Chaos! We learnt all about camouflage for animals.

In PE we played a game of Pirate Treasure for a competition with the rest of the school and Ashton Gate school.

Here is a picture of us taking it in turns to have a go on the obstacle course that Ian from Bike It made for us. It was fab and cool!

Here we are riding our bikes in the bottom playground as part of out topic this term.