Thursday 22 July 2010

Thank you and goodbye

This week we performed our version of Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' for the school and our Mums and Dads.
Everyone put in lots of hard work and the play was a great success.

Thank you to Mrs Clifton and Mrs Scragg for helping make the fairies wings.

Year 1 made an amazing 'baby cake' for Mrs Thwaites and we shared it in the classroom on Monday. It was delicious!

Mrs Thwaites would like to thank all the parents and children for the lovely gifts you gave me and the baby! You have all been so generous and supportive this year.

I would also like to thank year 1 who have worked really hard all year. You have been a very special class and I am a very lucky teacher to have had you for two years. I will miss you lots!
Bye bye!