Friday, 9 October 2009

We've had a busy couple of weeks in Year 1. Last week we were very lucky to have Lisa, a student from Germany, helping in our class. She was very kind to us and helped us with our work. Thank you and goodbye Lisa!

This week we have been creating our own stories using our own experience and storybook characters. We enjoyed dressing up to act out our stories with Mrs Thwaites, Miss Gower and Mrs Hillberg. It was very funny!

On Thursday we enjoyed a workshop with Sarah from 'Yoga Stars', a children's yoga company. She taught us to breathe from our bellies and poses like the tree, the oyster and the Mermaid. We showed our great flexibility!

We have been showing Mrs Thwaites how children should behave in Key Stage One. We have all worked very hard and coped with all the changes like grown ups and she is very proud of us! Keep up the good work everyone!
A reminder for everyone from Mrs Thwaites and Mrs Hillberg. Please take responsibility for your clothes and PE kit! If you don't know what that means then ask Mum or Dad to explain.
Have a great weekend :)