Thursday 30 April 2009

Art week

This week Y1 have been busy doing lots of art. On Wednesday afternoon we all took part in an art competition ready for the Southville arts trail next weekend. We all drew a picture of a front door, then using the letter box as a mouth we turned the doors into all sorts of animals, people and monsters. The winners will be announced on Tuesday and will be displayed in the window of CJ Hole on North Street.
On Wednesday afternoon we also had our first chance to use the school role play area. We all enjoyed being the teacher, doing the register, marking work, giving certificates and putting names on the sad board!!
On Thursday afternoon we all had a go at doing some very colourful paper weaving. The results will be on display soon in the classroom.Our final art activity this week was a Chinese art workshop. We used some special Chinese brushes and learnt how to draw Chinese numbers and landscapes. We also learnt how to say hello, thank you and count to 10 in Chinese.