Tuesday, 22 December 2009

What a busy last week. We enjoyed our Christmas dinner on Wednesday and Christmas packed lunch on Thursday.
The Christmas party was really good fun, especially musical chairs and the visit from Santa.
We asked Santa some very tricky questions. Mrs Thwaites wants to remind everyone that Santa can walk through walls so if you don't have a chimney please don't leave any windows or doors open this year!
We are really looking forward to our New Zealand topic next term!

We wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

Thursday, 10 December 2009

Something special

This week Year One have been working hard for our Christmas play. Year one played Soldiers and mice and some of the speaking parts. Everyone enjoyed themselves and Mrs Thwaites was so proud that she gave us four marbles!!!

In numeracy we have been learning about money and counting in 2s.

On Wednesday we made beautiful Christmas candles. In RE we have been talking about the first Christmas and opening our advent calender. We have written instructions for making a Christmas cake and letters to Santa.
We are all feeling very happy and great and excited!!!!

Sunday, 29 November 2009

What's the time, Mr Wolf?

This week we have been learning about time in numeracy. We practiced setting our clocks to o'clock and half past the hour. We have also been counting down the days until Christmas on the calender.
In Literacy we have been talking about instrcutional texts, following instructions and starting to write them. On Thursday we made our Christmas cakes with Mrs Gregory and Mrs Hedges. We can't wait to ice them next week.

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Another excellent week in Year one. In numeracy we have been revising positional language, directing each other around the playground.

We have also done lots of investigations into capacity, filling containers with water and sand.

We have sorted toys into different categories and created a toy museum, writing our own labels, tickets and signs. Mrs Roberts came to visit and was very impressed with our historical knowledge.

Mrs Thwaites and Ruby and Rhiannon from Year Six gave us a special treat - A performance of Cinderella in Mrs Thwaites' Pollocks Theatre, a traditional Victorian toy.


Thursday, 5 November 2009

Bang and Crack!

Thank you to all the parents who came and helped and supported us at our recycled fashion show last term. Everyone was very impressed by our striking and imaginitive designs!

We learned a lot about different materials and what they can be used for and how to save the environment by thinking of the 'three rs' - reduce, reuse, recycle.

We have now made a start on our 'toys' topic, talking about and playing with our favourite toys.

During our first week back we enjoyed a rather wet trip to the new park at Gorse Marsh on Wednesday.

On Thursday we made 'firework pizzas' and 'mashmallow sparklers' with Mrs Gregory and watched some fireworks in the classroom on the white board! We dressed up in our hats and scarves to help it feel like bonfire night. Then we sang some camping songs!

'Remember, remember, the fifth of November, gunpowder treason and plot.'

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Using our senses

This week we have been exploring our five senses and finding ways to describe them in words. We have read lots of funny poems about smell, touch, taste and sight and as it was music week we explored the sounds that different instruments make. We have learned a great new recycling song and made our own musical instruments to accompany it. As well as all this we learned about 3D shapes and built some wonderful models with them.

Friday, 9 October 2009

We've had a busy couple of weeks in Year 1. Last week we were very lucky to have Lisa, a student from Germany, helping in our class. She was very kind to us and helped us with our work. Thank you and goodbye Lisa!

This week we have been creating our own stories using our own experience and storybook characters. We enjoyed dressing up to act out our stories with Mrs Thwaites, Miss Gower and Mrs Hillberg. It was very funny!

On Thursday we enjoyed a workshop with Sarah from 'Yoga Stars', a children's yoga company. She taught us to breathe from our bellies and poses like the tree, the oyster and the Mermaid. We showed our great flexibility!

We have been showing Mrs Thwaites how children should behave in Key Stage One. We have all worked very hard and coped with all the changes like grown ups and she is very proud of us! Keep up the good work everyone!
A reminder for everyone from Mrs Thwaites and Mrs Hillberg. Please take responsibility for your clothes and PE kit! If you don't know what that means then ask Mum or Dad to explain.
Have a great weekend :)

Sunday, 27 September 2009

Reuse refill recycle

This week we have been getting stuck into our recycling topic, sorting materials and talking about their properties.

On Friday we had a yoga lesson in the hall and used yoga poses to pretend to be all sorts of Australian animals. It was fun!
We have been working really hard writing stories in literacy and learning new ways to add numbers together and take others away.
A great start for Year 1! :)

Saturday, 12 September 2009

Together again

We have enjoyed our first week in year one. It is great to see each other again and share all our news. We have one lots of team building and we're working really well as a team.
Mrs Thwaites is pleased that we have been practicing our sounds and writing during the holidays. Well done everyone.
This week was RE week and we did lots of talking about 'belonging' to different groups. We learned about how Christian and Jewish families enjoy time together and what they do to help them feel they belong.
We even made up a prayer for our class assemblies.
We can't wait to begin our recycling topic next week!

Thursday, 23 July 2009

Our last week in Y1

This is Y1 on their last day of school in Y1. They are wearing non-uniform and sharing their toys with their friends.
On Thursday we had a disco in the sports hall. We played some games and had a lot of fun.

This is Y1's last time in the computer room. We were allowed to choose what we wanted to do.

This is our last PE lesson in Y1. We had the apparatus out and we all enjoyed using it.

Goodbye Y1 from Miss Linton and thank you for being a lovely class. Have a great summer holiday.

Thursday, 16 July 2009

This is Y1 showing their special objects. We all brought something in and we showed each other and explained why they were special.

This is some children colouring and glittering their photo frames all ready for parents evening.

We are showing the rest of the school our photo frames.

In the book bags tonight there is an important letter, please make sure you read it.

Thursday, 9 July 2009

A sporty week and lots of helpers

This week Y1 have been really lucky as they have had lots of extra helpers. Some Y10 girls from Ashton Park have been at Luckwell doing their work experience and we have really enjoyed having them working with us. We have been busy making our photo frames and they are now almost finished, just a bit of sparkle to go!

This week has been quite a sporty one for Y1. On Monday we played Tag Tails as part of a virtual festival against lots of other schools in Bristol. Well done to the winners Strawberries. On Wednesday we had our last tennis coaching session with Pete. He has been really impressed by our skills and hopes we keep up our tennis playing.

The final event of the week was Sports Day. We all tried really hard and had a fun afternoon. Congratulations to Greens, who were the overall winners.

Friday, 3 July 2009

May Dancing and new teachers

We were all very excited today to meet our new teacher for Y2 Miss Morgan. We went to Y2's classroom this afternoon and chose some of our new topics for Y2. The topics we chose were Brazil and Abracadabra.
This week we have designed a picture frame and some of us started to do some sawing to make it. We found it quite hard work.
On a very sunny afternoon at the beginning of the week we did our May Day dancing. We had been working hard to practice our dances and performed very well for the parents.

Thursday, 25 June 2009

The Georgian House

On Monday Y1 went on a trip to the Georgian House. We had to dress up as servants. It was hard work but it was fun. We found out that if we were real servants, we would only get 2 days holiday a year and we would have to start work at 5 o'clock in the morning. The servants had to do lots of jobs like cooking, cleaning, ironing and washing. In this picture we are learning to iron and fold up clothes and sheets.
Here are two children carpet beating, they are trying to get all the dust and dirt out because they didn't have vacuum cleaners.
Here are Y1 all dressed up.