Thursday, 17 May 2012

Electricity & Forces

We have been learning about electricity and the journey it makes from the Power Station, to our homes. We use electricity for all sorts of things in the house and at school - whiteboard, computers, radio. Batteries are another source of electricity.

We have been making complete circuits in Year 1, using a battery, two wires
and a bulb. It was very fiddly to get the bulb to light up by touching both ends of the battery with a wire.

We wrote about electricity and drew a complete circuit into our Science books. We are getting very good at our Science Investigations. Next week, Ian, from Bike-It will be coming to talk with us about the forces that we need to make a bike move and showing us how to make a fruit smoothie by pedalling a bike!

Our reading in Year One is getting so good that Miss Welton asks us to 'be the teacher' when she is too tired to read us a story at fruit time. We are soooo good at reading, here is the new 'teacher' reading the story book upside down to Year One. We listen beautifully and help them with any difficult words.