Together with children from Year 4, we've been weeding and tending the garden in preparation for planting vegetable seeds. We enjoyed it VERY much and can't wait to grow delicious fresh and healthy vegetables.
Whilst we weeded the beds, we discovered many, many 'Mini Beasts', including lots of Moth chrysallis's buried in the soil. We are going to keep them in a container in the classroom and watch what happens.
With the beauty of Spring outside, we have been making things to bring Spring into the classroom. Here we are making cherry blossom branches to hang at the windows...
...and colourful sunny pictures to put on the walls.
On Friday afternoon, 'Alex the Diver' came into Year One for the afternoon to talk about Diving. We really enjoyed discussing all of the underwater sea creatures that live under the sea. Alex showed us pictures of the Parrot fish, Trigger fish, Conga Eels, Clown fish and other creatures that he had seen. He had never seen a shark though.
Over the next few weeks we will be planting seeds and introducing our tadpoles, which are getting bigger by the day, to their new home, the newly built pond.