Thursday, 20 May 2010

This week in Music we have been learning about the orchestra and how different instruments are used to represent different animals.
We enjoyed listening to 'Peter and the Wolf'.
We made up our own animal music stories.
In Literacy we finished our recounts. Mrs Thwaites was very pleased with our writing. Now we are helping to write a story about a boy called Jake and his dog bones.

We are still enjoying our animals topic.

On Thursday we made butter - yum!

It took a lot of shaking!

Thursday, 13 May 2010

This term we have enjoyed cooking with Mrs Gregory and Mrs Hedges. Our recipes have focussed on animal products which links in with our topic 'Down on the farm'.
Last week we made stuffed eggs.
This week we made chocolate ice cream - yummy!

In science this week we have been learning about how animals eat, grow and move. In literacy we have been learning about the work of the RSPCA.

Friday, 7 May 2010

We are enjoying our 'Down on the farm topic'.
This week we have been learning about the needs of animals and
what animals have in common with us. We discovered that many of them are much cleverer than you might think.
On Friday we had a wonderful trip to Windmill Hill City Farm. We enjoyed exploring the gardens and meeting all sorts of animals.

Ian the farmer let us stroke the chickens and goat.
At the end of the day we made model animals in the craft room.
We were very tired after walking a mile there and another mile back!
Thank you to all the helpers for coming with us. It was a great day.