Sunday, 21 March 2010

Week 5

We had great fun this week in Year 1.
We enjoyed experimenting with different balances in PE.
Some of us were very creative!
On Wednesday and Thurday we built circuits as part of our electricity work.

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Week 3

Another active week in year 1. On Thursday Ian came in to teach us a bit more about how to use our bikes.

We enjoyed playing games in the playground.

This week we have been learning about special things in RE.

We talked about objects that are precious to us and learned about Hindu people and their special things.

Sunday, 7 March 2010

On Monday Sam's Daddy brought his bikes in to show us. We had lots of questions and showed off our knowledge of bikes too!

We enjoyed practicing our riding skills in the playground.

This week we have been learning how to present data in pictogram graphs. We found out that, surprisingly, silver is the most common colour of pet for year 1 children!

On Wednesday we made yummy blamongue with Mrs Hedges and Mrs Gregory. This helped our understanding of pushes and pulls, especially when using the special whisk.

Thursday was world book day and we all dressed up as our favourite story characters.