Tuesday 22 December 2009

What a busy last week. We enjoyed our Christmas dinner on Wednesday and Christmas packed lunch on Thursday.
The Christmas party was really good fun, especially musical chairs and the visit from Santa.
We asked Santa some very tricky questions. Mrs Thwaites wants to remind everyone that Santa can walk through walls so if you don't have a chimney please don't leave any windows or doors open this year!
We are really looking forward to our New Zealand topic next term!

We wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

Thursday 10 December 2009

Something special

This week Year One have been working hard for our Christmas play. Year one played Soldiers and mice and some of the speaking parts. Everyone enjoyed themselves and Mrs Thwaites was so proud that she gave us four marbles!!!

In numeracy we have been learning about money and counting in 2s.

On Wednesday we made beautiful Christmas candles. In RE we have been talking about the first Christmas and opening our advent calender. We have written instructions for making a Christmas cake and letters to Santa.
We are all feeling very happy and great and excited!!!!