Thursday, 23 July 2009

Our last week in Y1

This is Y1 on their last day of school in Y1. They are wearing non-uniform and sharing their toys with their friends.
On Thursday we had a disco in the sports hall. We played some games and had a lot of fun.

This is Y1's last time in the computer room. We were allowed to choose what we wanted to do.

This is our last PE lesson in Y1. We had the apparatus out and we all enjoyed using it.

Goodbye Y1 from Miss Linton and thank you for being a lovely class. Have a great summer holiday.

Thursday, 16 July 2009

This is Y1 showing their special objects. We all brought something in and we showed each other and explained why they were special.

This is some children colouring and glittering their photo frames all ready for parents evening.

We are showing the rest of the school our photo frames.

In the book bags tonight there is an important letter, please make sure you read it.

Thursday, 9 July 2009

A sporty week and lots of helpers

This week Y1 have been really lucky as they have had lots of extra helpers. Some Y10 girls from Ashton Park have been at Luckwell doing their work experience and we have really enjoyed having them working with us. We have been busy making our photo frames and they are now almost finished, just a bit of sparkle to go!

This week has been quite a sporty one for Y1. On Monday we played Tag Tails as part of a virtual festival against lots of other schools in Bristol. Well done to the winners Strawberries. On Wednesday we had our last tennis coaching session with Pete. He has been really impressed by our skills and hopes we keep up our tennis playing.

The final event of the week was Sports Day. We all tried really hard and had a fun afternoon. Congratulations to Greens, who were the overall winners.

Friday, 3 July 2009

May Dancing and new teachers

We were all very excited today to meet our new teacher for Y2 Miss Morgan. We went to Y2's classroom this afternoon and chose some of our new topics for Y2. The topics we chose were Brazil and Abracadabra.
This week we have designed a picture frame and some of us started to do some sawing to make it. We found it quite hard work.
On a very sunny afternoon at the beginning of the week we did our May Day dancing. We had been working hard to practice our dances and performed very well for the parents.