Thursday, 21 May 2009

This is some children doing a stained glass window. We had to draw round a shape and then colour it in with paint.
This is some children in the ICT room. We were using the computer to do some art. We had to colour in some balloon patterns.
In maths this week we have been learning about shapes. This is some groups making repeating patterns.

Have a lovely half term holiday.

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Light & Colour

This week we have been learning about light. These children were the first to light up their lightbulb. They made a circuit using a battery, a bulb, a bulb holder, some wires and crocodile clips.

This is some children acting out a story they have made up about Doodling Daniel. He doodles lots of things. Doodling Daniel isn't real.

This is a boy in Y1 doing some painting. We had to choose a colour and then paint different shades of that colour from dark to light.

Friday, 8 May 2009

A goodbye

This is Sarah reading us two stories at fruit time. Sarah has been helping us for the last two weeks. Today is her last day. Thank you Sarah.
This is Y1 doing PE in the Sports Hall. We are dribbling the footballs very carefully.