Thursday, 27 November 2008

We are making Beauty and the Beast with Miss Fricker. She drew the picture and we stuck bits on. Beauty needed lots of gold bits. You can see them up in the hall for our Christmas display.
This is a group making some leaves and decorating them with glitter.
This is yellow group doing potato printing. They are making patterns using different colours.

This is circle group doing science. We were finding out which things melted the fastest. We tested butter, cheese and chocolate. The butter melted first, then the chocolate and then the cheese.

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Time, jelly and moving

This is oblong group, they are making times on their clocks. They are practising o'clocks and half pasts.

This is blue group, they are making yummy jellies because our topic is food. We looked to see what was happening to the jelly when it was made. It started off as a solid and then it was a liquid when we added hot water. Then we put it in the fridge and it went solid. We ate the jellies on Friday.
We are doing PE, we are finding different ways to move around the hall on our hands and feet.

Thursday, 13 November 2008


This is a photo of us in our ordinary clothes at school. We had a non uniform day for Children In Need. We all brought in £1.

In maths we are measuring capacity using pasta, rice and sand. We found out which pots held the most and the least.

We made plates of our favourite foods. We used lots of colours and some glue to stick the food on.