Friday, 19 December 2008

Merry Christmas

This is KS1 having their Christmas party. We saw Santa and he gave us a present.
We were playing musical chairs, the boys had to put their hands on their hips. Then the girls danced round and when the music stopped they had to find a boy to hold on to.
We had a dancing competition, it was fun. Molly and Josh were the Y1 winners.
We are having our Christmas party lunch. In the morning we watched Horrid Henry.
We had Christmas dinner, it was delicious.
Merry Christmas to everyone from Y1.
Thank you to all the parents and children for my Christmas present, I will enjoy spending it.
Have a lovely Christmas from Miss Linton

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

More Christmas fun

This is a group making their snowmen Christmas cards for their Mums and Dads. They had to put on a carrot nose and some eyes. It was really fun.

This is Y1 doing their Christmas play, Babushka. All our Mums and Dads came to watch it, they thought it was really good. We are doing a Russian dance.

Thursday, 4 December 2008

Christmas starts here

On Friday we had a pyjama party as we had collected all our marbles. We did some dancing, played some games and had some fun!
We are making Christmas slippers with Amendine, who is French. We had to cut them out and decorate them with glitter. In France they put slippers under the tree on Christmas Eve ready for Father Christmas. We took them home with some sweets in.

In maths we played some games on the computer to help us practise our doubles.

We used this website

Thursday, 27 November 2008

We are making Beauty and the Beast with Miss Fricker. She drew the picture and we stuck bits on. Beauty needed lots of gold bits. You can see them up in the hall for our Christmas display.
This is a group making some leaves and decorating them with glitter.
This is yellow group doing potato printing. They are making patterns using different colours.

This is circle group doing science. We were finding out which things melted the fastest. We tested butter, cheese and chocolate. The butter melted first, then the chocolate and then the cheese.

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Time, jelly and moving

This is oblong group, they are making times on their clocks. They are practising o'clocks and half pasts.

This is blue group, they are making yummy jellies because our topic is food. We looked to see what was happening to the jelly when it was made. It started off as a solid and then it was a liquid when we added hot water. Then we put it in the fridge and it went solid. We ate the jellies on Friday.
We are doing PE, we are finding different ways to move around the hall on our hands and feet.

Thursday, 13 November 2008


This is a photo of us in our ordinary clothes at school. We had a non uniform day for Children In Need. We all brought in £1.

In maths we are measuring capacity using pasta, rice and sand. We found out which pots held the most and the least.

We made plates of our favourite foods. We used lots of colours and some glue to stick the food on.

Thursday, 23 October 2008

Another goodbye

This is Mrs Marshall's leaving assembly. We are standing on the stage singing Five Little Men in a Flying Saucer. We were really sad Mrs Marshall was leaving.
This week in maths we have been doing some weighing.
This week in Literacy we have been writing labels and captions.
In art we drew some food, a pepper, a tomato or a kiwi. We had to draw the shape and make it look just like it.
When Mrs Thwaites taught us she got us to wear a blindfold and guess what some food was.
I hope everybody has a lovely holiday, see you on the 6th November.

Thursday, 16 October 2008

Writing week

Apologies for the late posting again but Miss Linton picked up one of those nasty viruses going around at the moment!!This week in Maths we were measuring length. We are using playdough to make different length snakes that were longer, shorter, fatter and thinner. We were making a rocket out of cardboard because we had read a book called "Whatever Next" and in the story the bear made a rocket and landed on the moon.

Celso Paco was playing some songs, telling us stories and telling us about the instruments, they were funny especially the frog sounding instrument.

Thursday, 9 October 2008

shapes and more puppets

We have finally finished sewing our puppets so this week we started to decorate them.
In maths we all had fun investgating 3D shapes.

We designed and made buildings with 3D shapes

Thursday, 2 October 2008

A busy day

Yesterday we went to the computer room to play a rhyming game. We had to find words that had the same ending. There were three levels, when you finished a level, Digby ate the worms. We were really good at this game. This is the address of the website we used.

We had some number cards up to 20 and we had to work with a partner. We turned a card over and then made that number on the bead string. We were brilliant at it.
We worked in groups to make boats, we used plastic and card and material to make them. Then we tested them in the water to see if they floated. Most of the boats did float but some of them were too heavy.

Thursday, 25 September 2008

Science and maths

Our topic is about toys, in maths this week we have been learning about money. This group is buying some toys and choosing the right coins to pay for them.
Yesterday we played with playdough, we pushed and pulled to change the shape of it.
We played with the cars and pushed and pulled them.
We watched a film about pushing and pulling. We played with the sand and made some cakes by pushing.

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Tricky work

First of all a sorry from Miss Linton that we didn't do our blog on Friday. Miss Linton was on a PE course.
We read the book Where's My Teddy. We made some puppets and did a puppet show about the story. There were four characters in the story, a big bear, Eddy, a small teddy and a big teddy.
Some people started to do some sewing this week to make their puppets. We are going to make some more this week.

Thursday, 11 September 2008

Our first week in Y1

This week Y1 have been doing lots of counting. We had to choose a number and count some objects to make that number.
Our topic is all about toys. We brought our favourite toys in to show and tell. We are going to find out what our Mum's and Dad's favourite toys were.
Lots of people have really enjoyed their first week in Y1.

Friday, 25 July 2008

Last Day

Here we are all dressed up for the last day in Y1

Thursday, 24 July 2008

Our final week in Y1

This week we have been doing activities to get us thinking about what it will be like in Y2. We have also been looking back at what we have enjoyed most in Y1. On Monday we made a book for the new Y1's to explain some of the things we do like helping hands and Daisy's Diary. We all enjoyed designing our own classrooms and playgrounds.
This week Miss Linton let each group take a turn to choose what we had out during planning times, here are some photos of our choices.

Finally Miss Linton says thank you for being a great Y1 and have a lovely holiday.