We have enjoyed our India topic VERY! much. We have enjoyed using our imaginations to write about the country. We have explored the country on Google Earth and compared it to England, we have enjoyed the dancing, singing and being creative.This week, we tasted lots of different Indian foods and then wrote about them, using describing words and reasons for which foods we enjoyed the most.We tried mango, samosas, poppadoms, Bombay mix and pomegranante.......it was exciting trying the pomegranante. We had read about it in a story and couldn't imagine what it would be like. The fruit was full of ruby red jewels!
We used lots of words to describe the food: spicey, delicious, sweet, sour, juicy, crunchy... some of the food was really really hot! Miss Welton laughed soooo much when we rushed to the sink for a cool drink of water!
In Literacy, we have been drawing story maps of the different stories that we've been reading. We made a story map of Ganesh steals the Moon. We then took it in turn with our talk partners to re-tell the story to each other. With the story map to look at, we remembered so much detail. Some of us decided to be the teacher and re-tell the story to the rest of the class. it was easy to remember by looking at the pictures and deciding what came first, next, and sequencing the story correctly.
Here are some pictures of us enjoying the role-play area and dressing up in the Indian clothes and Saris.Next term, our topic will be Plants. Miss Welton has asked us to do our homework which is labelling the parts of the plant and finding out what each part does and to think about anything that we would like to learn about plants.
Enjoy the half term :-)